Tour Dem Parks, Hon! Cycling Posters.

Tour dem Parks, Hon! poster concepts presented for an annual casual bike ride held in Baltimore (various years shown). The concepts show attempt to give the event a humorous and casual appeal. 
Tour Du Port Cycling Poster Concepts.
Tour du Port Concepts presented for a casual bike ride held in Baltimore in 2009. The concepts show attempt to give the event a humorous and casual appeal. The logo was developed as an element of the event and poster and was successfully used as a standalone element in promoting the ride.
Poster Concept for the Tour Du Port bike ride for Baltimore, MD which took place for October 2009. This concept, takes advantage of a number of years of doing poster designs for individuals associated with the ride. The ride has a strong association for families and the result is to look for engaging ways to portray that. One is to show the tandem bike, in this case, with a child.

For the non-Baltimore initiated, the silhouette is the mapped shape of Baltimore through which many aspects of the ride winds. the development also led to the nifty logo which became useful outside of the poster concepts.
Second poster concept for the bike ride. This one pokes fun at some of the aspects of a family ride experience.